Monday, August 22, 2005

Church Signs

Have you ever wondered who came up with those sign slogans that you see on church signs? I often scoff because of the lack of serious dealing with any of the subject matter that is posted. We’ve all seen them. How many of us have actually thought about what they say? I know, I know. Most of the time there isn’t much to think about, but in reality what is said will influence a lot of people’s thinking. Remember that at it’s core that sign is an advertisement. Since the church is to be the pillar of the truth, should those signs not bear out sober-minded truth?

I have for a long time determined that if I started a blog, that I would make church signs one of those little areas that I would speak to. I am virtually all over North Carolina, but predominately in Charlotte and I see a ton of these signs. Well, maybe not a ton, but I see a lot. I’m sure you do too. So, with that in mind, my pda camera by my side, I am on a quest to get pictures of signs and post……..hopefully tonight. By the way, if you have pics and would like me to comment on them, you can email them to me at

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