Monday, August 13, 2007

Thomas More before those who condemned him

I ran across this quote in my study of Philemon. It comes from Sir Thomas More, who was the Lord Chancellor of England under Henry VIII. The quote is cited in Thomas More, by R. W. Chambers, pg. 342). Remember that this quotes comes after the very men he is addressing have condemned him to death.

“As the blessed apostle St. Paul…consented to the death of St. Stephen, and kept their clothes that stoned him to death, and yet be they now both twain holy saints in Heaven, and shall continue there friends for ever, so I verily trust, and shall therefore right heartily pray, that though you Lordships have now here in earth been judges to my condemnation, we may yet hereafter in Heaven merrily all meet together, to our everlasting salvation.”

May God grant us this kind of spirit in dealing with those who oppose us!

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