My thanks go to Douglas Bond for a wonderful tale. We just finished up the first installment of Douglas Bond's Crown and Covenant series. This first book is called Duncan's War. We have been reading it to the children in the evenings. Duncan is just a young lad and one of the bairn (that's Scottish for children) of Sandy M'Kethe. The year is 1666 and the English have decided to oppress the Scottish Covenanters, those famous believers who held fast to Christ and His Kirk.
Duncan, though just a boy is taught many a lesson of how to trust in God, though his passions are clearly pointing him to trust in his own strength and emotion. His father, a godly man is not fond of war, but has no problem in taking up his claymore to fight off some dragoons who are torturing and about to kill an old man, who happens to be a friend to him. In doing so, much happens that brings the English to come and seek to destroy the Covenanters in the little village that Duncan lives in and in the surrounding areas. His father is captured by the English during one of the battles and it is up to Duncan to rescue his father. This is Duncan's War.
I won't tell you everything, just in case you might want to read it. Beware, it is filled with Scottish lingo. There's even a glossary at the back in case you don't ken (that's Scottish for "know") what the writer is talking about. It also helps to have a good Scottish accent when reading to the kids:) We are eagerly awaiting the next installment, King's Arrow and then the final volume, Rebel's Keep. These three volumes are available from our bookstore. Though they are fiction, they are filled with accounts of real battles from history and real historical figures who "overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death." If you or your children like G. A. Henty, let me recommend the Crown and Covenant Series to you.
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